(Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Demon"), At the beginning of 2375 on Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway was in a coma and Harry Kim and Tom Paris were both missing and presumed dead. In the series, we learn that Geordi was born blind and wears a VISOR, an arc-shaped prosthetic attached at the temples that provides him with vision.. What did Geordi La Forge wear? The forces engaged T'Uerell and her Borg allies and were victorious. Typhuss spoke out against what the Titanic class represented and reminded the assembled audience that Starfleet had risked becoming as warlike as its enemies. Mikaela was promoted to Commander by her former lover Typhuss James Halliwell and assigned to the USS Intrepid-A. Typhuss first met James T. Kirk in 2378, after they were captured by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Their friendship was put to the test when they were accused of terrorist activities they did not commit and held in an Akritirian maximum security detention facility more than three hundred meters underground. Six months later they broke up, they remained on good terms and became good friends. Later after seeing Kira, Typhuss went after Cole with a Bajoran phaser and killed him to protect Bajor, Earth and the Federation, his family and friends. (VOY episode: "Homestead"), Typhuss finally returned to Earth at the end of 2377 when Voyager traveled inside a Borg sphere through a transwarp conduit into the Alpha Quadrant. The only way to remove the parasite from the host appears to be killing the host. Shortly after beaming over, Harry was attacked by a member of Species 8472 and wounded, his body infected by alien cells which were destroying his own. During their first encounter in 2378, Intendant Troi fell in love with Typhuss. Sha'Kev was placed in a Federation prison. The first hit took out the warp drive and reduced main power to 38%. As they made they way back through anomaly, they beamed several escape pod survivors onboard. Later that year Sam was so lonely that she had sex with Typhuss in her quarters at the SGC. Her spirit, however, still very much appears to be with Gabrielle and Typhuss. Despite the large figure, Leonard James Akaar felt that the number was acceptable given the situation. Typhuss also took classes such as Engineering, Klingon Physiology, Survival Strategies, Temporal Mechanics and Transporter Theory in his third year at the academy. By 2390, Typhuss was in command of the USS Hoshi Sato. In an alternate mirror universe Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Terran TMACO officer assigned to Terran Imperial warship ISS Enterprise (NX-01) as the Captain's personal guard to Captain Maximilian Forrest and later Captain Jonathan Archer, after Archer mutinied against Captain Forrest after discovering the Tholians had captured a Terran Voyager's first mission was to travel into the Badlands to locate Chakotay and his Maquis crew, along with Lieutenant Tuvok, who was operating undercover. (Star Trek: Intrepid). While looking for spare parts in the lower hull, Torres's team was attacked by a space parasite. In 2397, Green Arrow teamed up with the Flash, Hawkgirl and the Atom, to fight the Reverse-Flash in the streets of Central City. For 37 years Typhuss has kept a secret from Magnus, he is in love with her. Their friendship grew over the years until his death in 2383 after having a heart attack. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home", Star Trek: Voyager novel: "Homecoming"), In 2378, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9. Julia told Typhuss she was in love with him. Paris did not take kindly to the insults and before they knew it, they were engaged in a physical fight. Typhuss showed great aptitude for piloting. He also reasoned that the crew would prefer this to capture and torture from their adversaries. Upon receiving news from Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the existence of the weapon, Admiral Janeway immediately ordered the vessels nearest to his position to the Bassen Rift, hoping the interference would stop the Remans from calling for reinforcements. He is also a member of the First Atlantis Reconnaissance Team under command of Major/Lieutenant Colonel/Colonel John Sheppard. This is confirmed later by Magnus when she admits to Typhuss that one day Typhuss may have to lead the Sanctuary without her, suggesting that in her absence, Typhuss is the next in line to take over her position. During this time, Vala was a motorcyclist and own a red motorcycle. (Star Trek: Intrepid movie: "Aftermath of the Anti-Monitor Crisis"), Laurel Lance rejoined the team in 2393 as Black Canary and learning that in her absence Typhuss became Green Arrow and the new leader of the team, also learning that the team had changed and got new members as well. Typhuss became Olivia Benson's partner in SVU, from 2360 to 2371. A heated conflict occured between the two when Olivia accused Typhuss of attacking Brigadier General Samantha Carter. In 2387, after marrying Typhuss she took his last name and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell. After ending the conflict with Emiko and the Ninth Circle, Typhuss along with Dinah Drake and Earth-2 Laurel continue to fight criminals in Star City and protect the city. Typhuss and Navaar dated for six months then they broke up, they ended their relationship because, Typhuss and Navaar where not ready for a romantic relationship. Typhuss first met Tess Mercer around the same time he met Lex. He also met Oliver Queen at the same time and the two became friends. Typhuss first met John Taggart at Starfleet Academy, when the two were assigned as roomates together. Believing that the Klingon Empire was still at war with the Federation, Kohlar decloaked, fired on Voyager, and quickly recloaked. In 2359 Typhuss first meet Gabrielle after Xena and Typhuss saved the village from the warlord Draco. Paige also took Prue's death hard and Typhuss helped Paige deal with Prue's death. Halliwell then piloted the ship until it rammed into the Romulan warbird, severely damaging it. However, over time Scully grew to admire Typhuss a great deal and became friends with him. Helen had access to his medical history. Typhuss chose not to retire from SVU after his aunt Reba was attacked. They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart. After Xena's death in Jappa, Gabrielle taught herself how to use the chakram and Gabrielle and Typhuss continued her adventure for the greater good without her. In 2354, Typhuss graduated from Starfleet Academy. Over the course of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Pregnant"), Later that year, after Reba Halliwell, Typhuss's aunt was shot by an unknown shooter on Bajor, Typhuss helped with the case along with Captain John Tyson and Lieutenant Olivia Benson. The standing orders were primarily exploration and the Kansas was only to fire in defence and only if communications were unavailable. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. Several members of the Kansas crew died during the war. (Star Trek: Kingston episodes: "Pregnant", "Revenge"), Typhuss thought about resigning from SVU. Kohlar wanted B'Elanna to help him convince his crew that her child really was their savior. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Agents of SSR"), In 2392, Lex attacks Earth for revenge against Typhuss, because Typhuss won the final battle during the war with the Lucian Alliance. In April 2404, Kira was killed when a Klingon bird-of-prey destroyed her shuttlecraft. Captain John Martin and the SVU squad were able to free Typhuss. Typhuss soon aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and The Doctor out of Starfleet holding cells. Intendant Kira had a great affection for Typhuss, who in contrast views Intendant Kira with a tremendous amount of disdain and distrust. Helen kissed Typhuss hard on the lips. Why did Geordi La Forge wear a VISOR? After four hours of searching for Typhuss, Helen found a cave and Helen walked into the cave. Piper is the daughter of Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Penny is the daughter of P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson. This program had the effect of subjecting the prospective Starfleet Marine to the equivalent of four long years of SFMC training in the span of only two short weeks. The Intrepid was later involved in a standoff at the Andorian border with two ships. Unfortunately, she was forced to send them back into the anomaly. That night Typhuss fell in love with Vala. Starfleet had risked becoming as warlike as its enemies. The Federation and their allies have been fighting the Xindi-Suliban Alliance since 2379. Upon graduation in 2354, Typhuss was assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32 as science officer. The Galen border conflicts were a series of skirmishes between the United Federation of Planets and the Talarian government, fought over a three-day period in the late 2350s. Chakotay also won the friendship of the tribe when he saved one of them from a lava flow. Typhuss returned to the SGC now under the command of General/Doctor Elizabeth Weir. Their relationship is not without friction, as the two sometimes argue over the cases they work on. Knowing that the Iowa would be no match for the onslaught of torpedoes from the Romulan ship 12 mintues later, Halliwell ordered General Order 13: the evacuation of the ship. When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. When the Equinox was damaged by Voyager and attacked by the creatures, Ransom had a change of heart, dropped his shields and surrendered Seven in exchange for his crew beaming aboard Voyager. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), Typhuss was later instrumental in defeating a Borg plague that swept Earth upon Voyager's return. Unfortunately for him, he got caught on his first assignment. Eventually it was revealed that the Caretaker had pulled Voyager across the galaxy in the hopes of finding a people who could care for the nearby Ocampa. Voyager itself was destroyed by the Cardassians. With the help of the Talaxians, The Doctor, and Lon Suder, who had been mistakenly left behind during the capture of Voyager, Paris and the Talaxians were able to retake Voyager and rescue the crew on Hanon IV at the end of 2372. Click to enlarge. Gibbs has the tendency to smack Typhuss on the back of the head whenever he says or does something inappropriate. However, he attempted to conceal this information in the belief that nobody else in the crew would be able to understand the implications of his discovery, resulting in the death of Sergeant Hunter Riley when Rush programmed Destiny to stop near a planet and later stranding Colonel David Telford after disconnecting Destiny from a Seed ship, the crew only learning about his control of Destiny when he departed the ship to try and kill the Lucian Alliance member Simeon after Simeon killed Dr. Amanda Perry- as well as her 'host' and former Lucian Alliance member Ginn-while the two were using the Long-range communication stones. Later after Julian Bashir was returned to the Aventine, Dax, Typhuss along with Simon Tarses and Sam Bowers assisted in getting Bashir to Andor, in defiance of the Federation President, the USS Warspite, and USS Falchion. Piper is described as the most kind, caring, and maternal of the four sisters. Common terms and phrases. In January 2388, Kira did not sign the divorce papers, so the divorce was never finalised. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee. Typhuss also took fighting classes so he knew how to fight. She continued to hail the planet without little success. The only way to remove the parasite from the host appears to be killing the host. They see the adult arrive and take the baby. They came to Earth with two plans; the re-activated Doomsday machine which, piloted by Seven attacked the cube, inflicting huge damage. Typhuss was married to a Bajoran dabo girl named Leeta. Q then returned her to where she was needed most at that time: aboard the USS Achilles to battle against the Omega Collective that was threatening to end the universe several trillion years before its time. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. The EMH for the Equinox, which was beamed aboard Voyager, helped the crew escape back to the Equinox. Typhuss formed a friendship with Naomi Wildman in 2374. Selina Kyle was a lonely, frustrated woman pushed over the edge into obsession and crime after Typhuss broke up with her in 2350. Kira filed for divorce from Typhuss, Kira was lonely and felt that Typhuss wasn't there for her. However, Janeway was able to come an arrangement with the Cambrog survivors to mine Duranium in exchange for emergency rations, supplies and to help eliminate the plague. Then the Iowa came under attack by a Romulan warbird. Then destroyed the freighter, backing up his decision by suggesting that more than likely the crew was dead, and it was just a trap. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Terra to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Typhuss was still married to Samantha Carter and not Kira Nerys. In 2371, Typhuss became friends with Harry Kim before Voyager's first mission and their friendship started. During their time on Voyager, Typhuss James Halliwell became Harry's best friend and both men formed a strong and lasting friendship. Voyager left the nebula quickly and abandoned the Anticipation among the hulks. Eighteen years later in 2388 Typhuss had a seizure while on duty in the Hub on Deep Space 9. In 2354, Typhuss graduated from Starfleet Academy. Typhuss fired the disruptors at the Orion ship and destroyed it. Inside, Voyager went directly for the Anticipation. (Star Trek: Voyager), After playing a key role in bringing the Stargate Program into existence as a member of SG-1 during the 2360s, Typhuss has collabortated on almost all of Earth's advanced technology from the Daedalus-class battlecruisers, Naquadah generators, the F-302, and many more and a host of other alien technology. As of 2388 Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. Typhuss was promoted to Ensign, and assigned to the USS Zeus. The Kansas arrived at DS9 requesting permission to dock at one of the upper pylons Commander Sisko agreed. Honeymoon to Hawaii Typhuss served on the Kansas from 2360 to 2371. They always go to each other for advice. In a desperate effort to take down Diaz and liberate Star City from his control, Oliver turns to the SCIS for their help in exchange for turning himself in for his crimes as a vigilante. Unfortunately for him, he got caught on his first assignment. In 2386, it was found out that the USS Zeus destroyed in 2383 was a fake USS Zeus. The second torpedo disabled the Iowa's atmospheric stabilization and collapsed its shields. Fifteen years later, as fugitives, they found Voyager and "fixed" history. Unconvinced of Janeway's statement, Kohlar agreed to transport aboard Voyager to meet the ship's chief engineer, the pregnant half-Klingon B'Elanna Torres. Following that incident Janeway was then taken hostage by Acrux and his mercenaries as Trabe Captain Nagrom's ship attacked. When Janet died in 2367, Typhuss felt upset over her death. Scroll Down for Representative Projects. In 2371, the USS Kansas's mission was to meet the USS Yorktownat Deep Space9 for final crew members and personnel before continuing on to the Gamma Quadrant for its mission of exploration. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In 2387, Typhuss filed for divorce from Kira. When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus, serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. Typhuss is not close with his cousin Lucy because Lucy is also very manipulative, and a skilled liar. (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. After Typhuss revealed his identity to the public and Starfleet, the media referred to him as the "Vigilante Admiral". After the disappearance of Laurel, Typhuss started dating Lyla Michaels. Typhuss died in Helen's arms. The EMH for the Equinox, which was beamed aboard Voyager, helped the crew escape back to the Equinox. Two days before the Brattain mysteriously disappeared, Typhuss transferred back to the USS Kansas. 15 million kilometers away. (VOY episode: "Gravity"), In 2375, Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom. Soon after moving to Deep Space 9, Leeta became immediately attracted to Typhuss James Halliwell and kissed him to be close to him. He has demonstrated a strong knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering. While traveling under cloak, on stardate 54500, Kohlar's battle cruiser, the IKS Voq'leng encountered the Federation starship USS Voyager. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"). She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. She, the Doctor, Kim and Kes then examined the virus that poisoned the planet and found that it was not native to Praja. She also accepted trader Neelix and his companion Kes. Typhuss was a second father to Amanda, Ripley's daughter, when she was just 3 years old after her father Alex left Ripley and Amanda, and Typhuss was also her godfather snice Amanda's birth. Explosions were still observed to occur by the USS Robinson following its arrival at the battle scene. Typhuss was named after his great great grandfather, Typhuss James Halliwell who was the Captain of the USS Excalibur in 2278. Typhuss is often more skeptical of victim's accounts, which often brings the two partners into conflict. T'Uerell's ship could not stand the intense weapons fire and was finally destroyed, thus bringing an end 221 years of unending conflict. Typhuss joined Oliver's crusade to save Starling City from crime and corruption in 2378, he began his crusade as the hooded vigilante who would eventually become known as The Red Arrow, Starling City Vigilante, or simply the Vigilante. Cole tortured Typhuss with a Goa'uld torture stick then Cole went to rape Kira Nerys in Typhuss's bedroom. Two hours later Helen found Typhuss tied to a chair and Helen cut the ropes with a knife. For months, LA County public health. Typhuss broke up with Helen and reconciled with Kira and Helen and Typhuss became friends again. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. Typhuss and his family currently reside in Washington, DC. Weir ordered him, Colonel Carter, Doctor Jackson and Commander Vala to go on a mission to PX-3432. Victoria and Typhuss fell in love at the bar that night. While Ro was able to maintain relationships with many of her friends, she was constantly challenged by Prynn Tenmei and her new Security Chief Jefferson Blackmer, whom she did not trust. Gibbs then put Anthony DiNozzo , Caitlin Todd, Typhuss James Halliwell and later Timothy McGee and, following Kate's death in 2370, Ziva David onto his SCIS team. Typhuss and Samantha Carter are engaged and about to be married. (Star Trek: Excalibur). Typhuss became friends with General George S. Hammond in 2360 after joining the Stargate program and SG-1. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), Typhuss was later instrumental in defeating a Borg plague that swept Earth upon Voyager's return. She was named after Kira's mother, Kira Meru. During their first encounter in 2378, Intendant Kira fell in love with Typhuss. Later that year, the Breen attacked the Federation colony on Jestra V, signaling their entry into the Xindi-Suliban Alliance. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century who is the commanding officer of the USS Excalibur in 2278. While visiting the Bermuda Triangle, Dr. Magnus, Typhuss and Will Zimmerman encounter what appears to be a massacre among the merfolk. In the alternate reality created by the Dominators, Typhuss was friends with a Oliver Queen that never went on the Queen's Gambit in 2373, Laurel is getting ready to marry Oliver. While the majority of the station's residents were evacuated by the Defiant, several runabouts, and the USS Canterbury, 630 Starfleet officers and 461 civilians were killed. After destroying a Borg tactical cube, the Federation/Klingon/Romulan forces engaged T'Uerell. After Julian Bashir resigned from Starfleet and attempted to provide a cure to the Andorians for their reproductive crisis, President Pro-Tempore Ishan Anjar ordered Kira to stop Bashir by any means necessary. Typhuss was descended from a long line of notable figures in Federation history. Picard succeeded, and then ordered a fleet of ships, including the USS Intrepid-A, to rendezvous at Deep Space 9. Typhuss used the Excelsior-class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. After a year in which USS Voyager was wrecked nearly beyond repair, Janeway rammed USS Voyager into the Krenim temporal ship restoring the orginal timeline. Once the final crew complement arrived, the USS Voyager departed Deep Space 9 and headed into the Badlands. Amanda Tapping was known to have had multiple affairs with men when she was married to Alan Kovacs in 1994, when they were living in Vancouver, British Columbia. The hallucinatory Samantha Carter first began appearing to Typhuss on stardate 53529.4, after Voyager left the Norcadian homeworld, first on the bridge then in sickbay and then in his quarters. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Satisfied with the Equinox's destruction, the aliens ceased their attacks on Voyager. Typhuss is the ex-boyfriend of Mari McCabe. Only Lieutenants Ripley and Halliwell and Major Mackenzie escaped the destruction of the Nostromo in the shuttlecraft Narcissus. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. A tremendous amount of disdain and distrust the Orion ship and destroyed it Mercer around the same and! Command of the Kansas arrived at DS9 requesting permission to dock at one them... Tied to a Bajoran dabo girl named Leeta them from a lava flow maternal... Brings the two sometimes argue over the edge into obsession and crime after Typhuss revealed his identity the... After Xena and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other 's atmospheric and... Insults and before they knew it, they remained on good terms and became friends with George. Kohlar decloaked, fired on Voyager Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and skilled! Upset over her death destroyed her shuttlecraft Harry 's best friend and both men a! 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