Wade asks where her package is heading and she intends to send it to Josie in Belgium. He may regret a lot of things, but he doesn't regret a single moment he spent with her. Her wounds have also all healed and is revealed that her baby has healed her due to its vampire healing blood, inherited from her father, Klaus. Together, the mix in the remains with clay and she sculpts a bust of Landon. The Ferryman points to her Mikaelson necklace, but she's unwilling to part with it. Despite her objections, Landon is going to come with her. But he also had untapped magical abilities courtesy of his own mother. Klaus is happy to hear that and tells her that he only wants that the child is kept safe. With the perimeter spell already lowered, the test is already underway. He presents to her a portrait he's made of her. She tells him she can't really be dead, because otherwise he wouldn't try to kill her and the baby. The Hollow is ancient history. This is his daughter, but Hope retorts that everyone here is someone's son, someone's daughter, or father. He wants to discuss her recent behavior, particularly her lashing out and losing control over her magic. He explains that the gods are his extended family and he knows them all too well considering they cursed him. With this, she lets herself into the school when Dorian is gone. In Rebirth, Hope is living with Rebekah. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, the baby becomes part of the plan to complete the Harvest, and also to prevent Davina Claire's power from destroying all of New Orleans. Hope reveals that she doesn't yet have the ascendant, and it's back at the school. However, something catches her attention, believing it to be MG again. Alaric questions his instinct to throw the arrow to Hope and comes to the conclusion that it is muscle memory and the two must have worked together previously. In The Devil is Damned, Cami is playing with Hope. Hope remarks that Nature really doesn't waste any time, unlike her. Aurora vamps to his side with the spear in tow. In The Big Uneasy, Klaus tells Elijah that, while he feels Hayley and the baby will be better protected in The Bayou with the Crescent wolves, he will bring Hayley back before she goes into labor. Hope questions if he knows what it is, but he doesn't, exactly. Hope threatens her again and is forced to talk, however, she quickly begins to combust into fire. Adyelya Rayna Iliyana Mikaelson, nicknamed Lya, is a major recurring character of The Originals. He doesn't understand what's wrong with the lyrics. Josie and Hope grew distant from one another, with Josie viewing Hope in a negative light for not telling everyone she was back from Malivore. She and Alaric arrive at Route 29 to see that the bus Landon was has everybody dead, without him in sight. She believes that if she can prove to them that they can't beat a run-of-the-mill monster without her, then they'll take her deal. Rebekah tracked her down in an attempt to convince her to come home with her, where the family would help her adjust to her new nature. After activating her vampire side, Hope showed great proficiency in utilizing her vampire powers. Lizzie resists and Hope doubles down, commanding her to drive the stake into her heart. Klaus then leaves Hope somewhere safe with Cami while he kills Dahlia and Esther. Ryan believes she blew up his relationship, job, and life so he wouldn't have anywhere else to turn but her, as she doesn't want to be alone. The two then kiss and begin making out passionately before taking their relationship to the next step. Alaric is silent and reads through the Manticulum output. Hope decides to give it to Alaric, just in case there's a little voice inside of his head trying to break through the fear. Lizzie wonders if she needs another yelling-in-the-woods moment, but she brushes it off. Lizzie berate her because she wanted to end it, until she didn't only to start torturing her. Hope, however, still has her werewolf and vampire powers. Back at the school, Hope storms into her dorm room with Alaric hot on her trails. It's hers and deep down, he knows that. They don't need her, but they want her here, because they still believe the real her is still there. They then discuss of their family dynamic but are stopped when Klaus' car arrives. Hope wants more cannon fodder, questioning how many students there's at the school. In One Wrong Turn On Bourbon, she listens to music as a flashback shows her using magic to contact her father, but is told to go away. MG questions how they're supposed to do that, but that's still something she has to figure out for herself. After all, the Ferryman is death and they probably don't have long before he comes back. Alaric believes that he shouldn't have involved his students, but Hope now needs an army to face the gods and these students are the only ones with the skill set. Hope waits for the mistress of the house to appear. Fearful that Lizzie will lose, Hope formulates a plan that would trap Josie within Lizzie's mind until a solution is foundthe spell only works if Lizzie wins, however. As they sit by the crater, night falls, and they're tripping on the drug's effects. In The Map of Moments, Hope is first seen with her uncle and aunt in her cradle in their Safe House where her aunt bring her and her unconscious uncle to follow Klaus' order. She takes his hand and consumes his blood, completing her transition. Long story, it doesn't matter and all she needed was to be back in his arms. Hope picks back up her sword and the two begin to fight. She has the bloodline records and it's only a matter of time before she figures out who she is. However, despite her rantings, she ultimately decides to kill the man, believing his presence to have been very helpful. In I Thought You'd Be Happier To See Me, a humanity-less Hope sits at a bar. Despite winning the vote to come, she's still upset that the only reason she's here is because MG can keep an eye on her. While doing school, Hope barges in, questioning if he really had a witch put a barrier spell around his office. In Sinners and Saints, Hayley questions Sophie about the fact that her child will be the witches' end. Klaus told Rebekah that despite their differences, there was nobody else he would trust more with the life of his daughter. She's just come to say goodbye. Hope believes that Aurora betrayed Triad and should have burned, but Aurora has merely manipulated Hope into killing them for her. Asking what she had in mind, she tells him that she wants to find a way to bring him back with her so that she won't have to fight alone. In Ashes to Ashes, Klaus daggers himself and Dahlia to give his siblings more time to save Hope. He muses what a gift it is to be able to leave her one last message. In We're Not Worthy, Hope is still asleep, having not returned with the other Salvatore students as promised by the Necromancer. Hope admits that she feels free after turning it all off, as though she can finally be who she wants and go where she wants. After numerous hours of running, Hope stands up to the murderer and after killing him, finds that the man under the mask is none other than Landon. Later that night, Hope finds MG, Wade, and Kaleb at a bonfire, waiting for the the protoclown. The Ferryman raises his scythe, though Hope refuses to dive into the river to leave Limbo. She was worth trying to reach even if her brother, Klaus, or Ken never saw it. With a number of changes at the school, Hope and Lizzie began a new semester, to guide the next class of supernatural students to be heroes. In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Hope is seen wondering cluelessly around Malivore having been consumed previously. In this situation, if he's running from Malivore, she has the leverage. Hayley concludes her letter by saying "I love you. oak hill elementary school wv; diphenhydramine sleep aid dosage; apply substitute teacher Ryan doesn't want to wager his newly human body, but Hope promises freedom if they're successful. Alaric doesn't take the credit, as it was Josie's idea but Hope already knows. While preparing the school for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, she's surprised at Roman Sienna's return. Hope is able to calm him down, but he doesn't remember being possessed by the oni. Josie then wonders where are Rafael and Landon right now, so she talks to her about a spell that is like kind of a full-immersion video chat but Josie shouldn't say anything about the spell because they don't learn it in class. Later Hope gets sick which Hayley comments as "unusual since Hope has never been sick before". Landon hasn't slept well since Malivore, but didn't want to worry her. Hope instructs them to get them to safety and she'll handle him. Casting the incendia spell, she destroys the stake. On a cement planter, she finds a small toy soldier. They will work with her and not for her; that is their deal and she can take it or leave it. Hope does recall her. She was so sick of her emotions controlling her and now she's finally free. In The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, Hope learns that Landon, Rafael and MG have disappeared, she immediately thinks they are dead because her location spell doesn't work. She points out they're not using their queen, which is a big mistake. Eventually, the Saltzmans return via Josie's spell, and Hope frantically rushes to find Landon. They echo that the situation was too easy, and it becomes clear that the gremlin used Cleo as bait just as they tried to use Landon. Hope has rejoined the others with Ken, the last remaining on the field. In Screw Endgame, Lizzie walks to the Town Square, where she finds Hope stretching, and reveals that she remembers her following the blast of magic from Josie. Sounds are painful to her as she struggles to move. She thought she was prepared to become the tribrid, to kill Landon and all the emotions it would bring. The bartender has her school ID, but refuses to serve her. 24 Likes, 0 Comments - 4K AND 60 FPS SCENEPACKS (@_.klavsfxspackss) on Instagram: "Hope Mikaelson tribrid Season 4 2 files l 17:32 l 8.11gbs Includes: -voice overs -lots of" I'm a Mikaelson witch.Hope in High Water and a Devil's Daughter. Elijah tells Klaus that nobody will be able to protect her like them. None of them are good. She plans to honor that by scattering the ashes on the school's grounds. Lizzie falls to the floor, dead. If Lizzie can siphon Ken at the exact moment of explosion, she can weaken him. Alaric promises to keep it in the Saltzman name and points to Caroline. Hope takes the opportunity to vamp Aurora to safety at the Old Mill. She tells herself that she couldn't get rid of her so easily. She looks around and wonders where all her mother's friends are, getting upset about many things. Hope is done with the games and wants to skip to the end. She begins to paint and tells her father that she's fine and starts hearing the voices in her head again. Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. She didn't want to feel that pain again. She wants to scatter them somewhere meaningful to him. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Hope is taught the Spell of Unknotting by Kol so that Davina could be unlinked from the Hollow. Hope intends to change the rules of Limbo and asks if he's with her. At least at a fundamental level, she can relate. The side that's willing to do whatever it takes. Hope believes that no one should have that power, especially a Mikaelson. Ultimately, Landon appears to completely dissolve right before her eyes, becoming a dark puddle of goo. Klaus heals Marcel from his Werewolf Bite and asks to hold the baby. Speaking of debt, he owes her a favor. That was destroyed in order to raise the Hollow. The trick fails and he turns to try the same thing on Lizzie. She inherited her werewolf gene from both of her parents, while her vampire and witch legacy came from her father who is the Original vampire-werewolf hybrid and the son of the Original Witch. Hope can say the same about him, as he's the new "Ferryman" now. She states that she is her father's daughter, accepting that fact for the first time. She waves at Josh and is upset that Freya hasn't told Declan since he's in Ireland. If she can be manipulated that easily then she's unless to her. They return to the sight and Hope talks to the group afterwards, with Lizzie arguing still with her. When Hope returns from her astral projection, she is met by Kai, and she tells him that the projection did not work. She eventually forgives him for hurting her, but later, when seeing Landon off, he says he's not surprised she voted 'no' to keep him at the school. She, Lizzie, and Kaleb decide to go after Cleo while Landon elects to remain at the school researching for a way to defeat the gremlin. Despite their many differences, they slowly grew closer, especially after Hope returned from Malivore, as only Lizzie remembered who she was. Hope doesn't want to hear it. They're going to give Alaric a heart attack. Josie believes she's reachable, but she mocks her, citing that she could just kill them all and never have this conversation again. She acknowledges that Cleo is right and asks her about being blocked. They embrace in a final kiss goodbye as Hope stabs Landon through the heart with her blood sword. Inadvertently, he's helped Landon which is why they were there in the first place. He admits that he bribed Pedro with a candy bar, but apparently overpaid considering she was able to get through it. She then gets a magical alert that Landon is in danger and decides to rescue him. He asks if the Necromancer ever revived, but he didn't. MG specifically wonders how it will help them fight the gods, but Hope explains that, on its own, it can't. There is no reason why she can't be whatever she wants, too. Ablah states that this will perhaps happen directly by Lizzie's hands, or as a result of the merge. Hope questions why he never turned it off, but he knows that is never the answer. Kaleb, however, is finished with the simulations. Lizzie was jealous of Hope over the attention she received from Alaric, Lizzie's father. Hope decides to veto his decision and casts a sleeping spell on him, responding that she's the one who has to make the hard choice and goes after the dybbuk possessed Ryan. Nature itself signals the birth of the tribrid, the sky turning blood red, thunder and red lightning striking through the sky. Hearing this, Hope is crying. It's all because of her father. Wade and others share stories about Hope, such as she casting a spell on a professor to only speak Sumerian or when she was taken control of by the slug. MG meets up with them and gives her a necklace which she de-spells, finally defeating the croatoan. They bicker over the things they've done, such as Lizzie working with Aurora to raise the gods, which she points out as an effort to fix her mistakes. Surprised to see her, Landon rushes towards her and they embrace in a tight hug. Hope casts another spell, throwing the monster across the floor. Hope's lying. Emerging on the other side, Hope awakens to find Landon has brought her a milkshake. She attempts to save their friendship by starting a genuine conversation, but he cuts her off by explaining that he wished she had his back and that she just blamed him for everything that happened despite it not being his fault. He manages to soothe Hope and she falls asleep. She immediately cuts him off, explaining that she doesn't sing in public, but Landon had an important question for her. She's still mad at Cleo for killing the leprechaun. Hope retorts with a threat, but she disregards it, welcoming her home. She's also a witch descended from the Mikaelson Bloodline one of the most magically powerful lineages. Josie is as much her blindspot as Landon is Hope's. Still locked up, Rafael begins to confide about feelings, Hope reply's pretending to appreciate Lizzie to relieve him, and his conscience will not help and that it would be good for no one, she also informs, to have sent Landon to someone who will help him find mother so he can finally have a family, Rafael replies that he was his family that even if they don't share the same blood, they are brothers, he advises to make friends to replace the family she doesn't have. With her death, their probability of success drops to zero percent and they lose. She thanks her, however, for killing them. The illusion never lasts, but friends do. Hope is no longer hiding and demands to know where she can find the werewolf and vampire she's working with so she can have this conversation with them, too. She passes and a star goes up in flames. She reminded her to be every bit of herself, since the best of Hayley is in Hope. It's three people. She goes to Klaus about what's happening and while he tries to tell her to kill Roman, she doesn't want to and she frees him. She can relate to that, as she too was trapped in Malivore before. Believing her to be a vampire, he explains that they've maintained this little charade for hundreds of years, because they do things the right way. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. However, they remain close as much as a non-biological fatherly-daughterly coupling can be. She arrives at Mystic Falls High School with the other volunteers, after Lizzie's speech, Hope has to team up with Landon. Aurora tells her that she has no idea what she's doing and, like her father, is being reckless. With her father's assistance, she took her anger and frustration out on those she deemed guilty. Josie doesn't need it anymore and she asked her to give it to someone who does. He explains that she's basically the perfect fighter. Hope kicks her into the pool to extinguish the flames. Kaleb, MG and Jed rush Ken and grapple with the spear, though their combined strength pales to Ken, even in his weakened state. She listens as Freya gives her eulogy and as her mother's body is lit on fire, she tells her goodbye. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and they were carried off on the wind. Back in Rafael's bedroom, his traumatic state reinforces Hope's idea that something very bad has happened then Emma wants Hope to come out but in the hallway she's panic. She and Cleo confront Lizzie and Kaleb. In Ben's experience, the worst plans can overcome the best, so long as those fighting believe in it as well as the person leading them. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. She continues to lose control of her magic, but Kaleb reins her in. Cleo wonders if it is so painful, why doesn't she just leave. They exist to destroy one another. He chooses to not fight her. She used to think that she'd do anything for Landon, but hesitates on this. They leave and Landon is then told about being conceived in Malivore. I waited for you for years! It could be possible for her to conceive a child too, and they mean to bring her hope. During the cleaning, she starts the conversation with Josie, the discussion goes wrong, arguing over the pick fights they send and the fact that Hope and Alaric keep secrets, involuntarily she stabs her foot with the sharp point of her tool, Josie helps to remove the tool from her foot and replicates with humor 'you poked yourself', Hope can't help laughing and Josie does the same. Hope stands and manages to kick him backwards, but Ken only believes that she is delaying the inevitable as he's already decimated her cavalry. She tells Hope that MG told her that he loves her. Hope doesn't plan to stay for dinner, believing that Vincent will lift the spell keeping her here. She pushed her to accept the transition and, if not for all her secrets, this could have all been avoided. Genevieve is about to stab the baby, but Elijah stops her. Ben believes his father will retreat and ultimately they win, attacking as one. In the next reality, Hope's father founded the boarding school instead resulting in being called Mikaelson Boarding School for the Young & Gifted as a student at the Mikaelson boarding school. For Rafael, he will be able to relive his idea of Heaven over and over again with his family, Walt and Lucia. Eventually the drug's effects wear of and the three of them wake up next to the crater at the wellness retreat. The all-powerful Mikaelson witch glared at the rainbow-patterned pillow she'd used murderously. It's also revealed that to have children, Esther deals with her older sister Dahlia (as at this time she has stopped using magic). Hope discovers Lizzie talking with Cleo, knowing her plan was to summon a monster behind her back. This song encompasses everything he believes about love and death. She can't pass. She listens when her mother tells her about turning into a wolf and they think of a plan. Cleo and Hope bring the creature to the gym of the Salvatore School, kept bound and muted with various spells. Hope quips that it's kind of her thing, but Ken reassures her that nothing is unkillable and even she will prove a disappointing adversary. Magic and loopholes, so it goes. Despite this, a messenger with notice from town hall reveals the school is still in jeopardy and owes an enormous amount of money over a property tax lien. Hope watches as Lizzie begs Josie to kill her with Kurruta's blade, ending the oni and her suffering. 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